Youth Group Workshops
Give your Scouts, Guides or Brownies the opportunity to investigate history with a youth group workshop.
These sessions are available for evening or weekend meetings and are fun ways to build team work and creative skills.

Facial Reconstruction
Come face to face with the past
Find out how facial reconstructions, as seen in museums, are made and have a go yourself to bring face of a person from history alive.

Code Breaking
Discover how secret messages were used
Codes and cyphers have existed since Roman times, to pass secret political or military messages. Learn how to encrypt messages, use invisible ink, codes, cyphers, and Morse Code, whilst hearing the stories of how they were used for espionage and escapes.

Artefact Handling
Handle real archaeological artefacts
Develop your archaeological skills! Learn how to extract clues from artefacts and how to record them like a real archaeologist.