Talking Tudors Virtual School Visits

Talking Tudors Virtual School Visits

Talk to an archaeologist online to discover what life was like during the often turbulent Tudor times

The Talk

This Virtual School Visit will include a short talk in which your class will discover what life was like in Britain during the reign of our most famous Royal family, the Tudors.

Explore key features of Tudor life, including the battle that brought them to the throne, their infamous family politics and drastic changes in religion. Alongside this, take a look at everyday features like the homes built for the people and their love of books, art and the theatre. Throughout the talk they will have the opportunity to see a wide range of real and replica Tudor artefacts and discover how these objects can provide rich details of life in Tudor times.

Then it is their turn to take charge...

Students will have the opportunity to participate in a dynamic discussion on the Tudors led by the visiting archaeologist. Classes can pose their Tudor questions and discuss the answers, tailoring their discoveries to their individual interests.